Newport-Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD) is committed to fostering safe, respectful, and responsible learning environments. Many NMUSD schools exemplify this dedication and are recognized for exceptional programs and initiatives that foster positive school environments.
The California PBIS Coalition recently honored 10 NMUSD schools for successfully implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiatives during the 2023-24 school year. The following schools were recognized for their efforts in cultivating strong schoolwide PBIS programs: Adams Elementary, Davis Magnet, Early College High School, Mariners Elementary, Pomona Elementary, Sonora Elementary, Woodland Elementary, Costa Mesa Middle and High School, Harbor View Elementary, and Newport Coast Elementary.
The statewide organization annually recognizes schools that are committed to maximizing the social, emotional, and academic success of students through the creation of positive school environment initiatives. Through a comprehensive PBIS implementation plan, our schools show improvement in lowering classroom disturbances, discipline referrals, and suspension rates, resulting in increased instructional time, positive school culture, and improved academic outcomes.
In addition to providing data that support their positive results, schools host campus walk-through visits with an external PBIS reviewer. Reviewers confirm that the school has clear classroom and school-wide behavioral expectations, evidence of family and community engagement, and data-based decision-making to foster positive school environments.
PBIS Platinum Recognition
Adams Elementary School - Adams students are regularly recognized for following the STAR matrix: Safety first, being There and ready, Acting responsibly, and Respecting everyone. These values are reinforced through consistent campus-wide routines that foster a positive, inclusive culture. The support team meets regularly to identify students needing extra assistance and implements evidence-based practices to promote responsible citizenship. Data analysis ensures that behavior support strategies are effective and responsive. This is Adams’ first Platinum award; the school previously earned Silver recognition.
Davis Magnet School - Davis staff collaborates to provide tiered support based on individual student needs. Schoolwide initiatives include assemblies, read-alouds, and positive reinforcements. Teachers and the PBIS Lead Team address campus-wide trends and foster behavioral growth for all students. Additional support is offered through Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL), in which older students mentor younger peers by modeling positive behavior and leading engaging activities during recess. Consistent communication between school and home supports student success. Davis has earned Platinum PBIS recognition for three consecutive years, following earlier Gold and Silver awards.
Early College High School - Updated last year, Early College continues using a PBIS matrix created by ASB students in 2017, when the school implemented its first PBIS program. Through the weekly Gotcha program, students are recognized for demonstrating the six pillars of character: caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility, and trustworthiness. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) strategies are used in all classes to foster respectful collaboration and communication. Students are also placed in one of four houses (Barracudas, Narwhals, Sea Dragons, and Stingrays) to enhance school spirit. Early College has earned PBIS Platinum recognition four times.
Mariners Elementary School - Mariners students start their days with Morning Meetings to build community, interpersonal, and social-emotional skills. The PRIDE matrix, visible across campus, encourages being Positive and Respectful, and showing Integrity, Determination, and Excellence. Behaviors aligned with the matrix are acknowledged with PRIDE slips, which can be traded for rewards such as raffle prizes or books from a PTA-funded vending machine. Staff regularly review the behavior matrix to reinforce expectations. This is the school’s third year being recognized at the Platinum level.
PBIS Gold Recognition
Pomona Elementary School - Staff use consistent language to create a positive environment, including in after-school programs. During the first week, students learn the school matrix: Prepare for success, Act responsibly, Work together, and Show respect. These expectations are reinforced at flag deck and after breaks, with a focus on locations such as lunch tables and playgrounds. Students earn PAWS slips that can be exchanged for fun trinkets from the principal's treasure box or saved to be entered into a drawing for prizes such as soccer balls and craft supplies. Classes earn Super PAWS, and monthly teacher shoutouts are given at flag deck and posted on Instagram. Pomona previously earned Bronze recognition.
Sonora Elementary School - Sonora students follow the SOAR matrix, emphasizing Safety, Ownership, Actions, and Respect in classrooms, on the playground, and online. On the first day of school, students attend a PBIS assembly and rotate through campus to learn location-specific rules. The matrix is reviewed weekly at the Eagle Rally, with an additional monthly focus on one of the 6 pillars of character trait. Staff acknowledge positive behavior with specific praise and Eagle Bucks, which are entered into bins for reward drawings at Friday Eagle Rallies. This recognition system promotes engagement and reinforces positive behavior. This is Sonora’s first PBIS recognition.
Woodland Elementary School - Woodland's PBIS team promotes schoolwide expectations to be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. All students are explicitly taught expected behaviors for the playground, lunch area, restrooms, and classrooms in a schoolwide rotation of lessons, and the student PBIS team created a video showcasing these expectations that teachers use to regularly re-teach behaviors. The team emphasizes holistic responses to behavior, providing positive, specific corrections that build student-staff relationships. Students demonstrating the Woodland Way earn Dragon Dollars, redeemable for experiences such as dance parties, extra recess time, making slime, or lunch with the principal. Woodland engages community partners and parent volunteers to stock the Dragon Dollar store with experiences and items such as pencils and school supplies. This is Woodland's first PBIS award.
PBIS Silver Recognition
Costa Mesa Middle and High School - The PBIS team, which includes staff and community members, collaborate to help students reflect on their actions and promote positivity on the middle and high school campus. Students demonstrating the MESA Way — Model integrity, Engage respectfully, Show compassion, and Achieve excellence — earn points in the 5-Star app. These points can be used in the E-Trading Post to purchase toys, supplies, and other items, some donated by community partners. Quarterly luncheons and events foster "Mesa Energy." The team also developed "Mesa Moments," classroom activities to reinforce positive behavior. The school previously earned Bronze recognition.
Harbor View Elementary School - Students are instructed what being BRAVE — Bold, Respectful, Accountable, Visionary, and Empathetic — looks like in all settings around campus. Colorful signage displayed around campus illustrates behavioral expectations. Staff members who see students demonstrating these expectations recognize them with BRAVE tickets, which can be redeemed for special lunchtime seating, items from the Viking Treasure Chest, a token that can be used in the school’s book vending machine, among other prizes sponsored by the Harbor View PFO. The PBIS team works in conjunction with parents to enhance positive behaviors. Harbor View previously earned Silver recognition.
PBIS Bronze Recognition
Newport Coast Elementary School - Students are taught to HOWL: be Honorable, Organized, and Wise as Leaders. The PBIS team provides interventions for students struggling with behavior, such as a Check In/Check Out system that connects them to a caring adult to help them meet behavior goals. When they make good choices, students earn HOWL cards, redeemable for toys, treats, or school supplies from the PTA-stocked Coyote Store. The cards can also be exchanged for Staff Experiences such as lunch with the principal or game time with a teacher. Students are honored at flag deck, and whole classes can earn Golden Tickets for activities including popsicle parties and additional recess time.
Since the launch of the PBIS recognition program in 2015, 28 NMUSD schools have received accolades. NMUSD continues to train and support schools with PBIS initiatives to foster a positive school culture and support students' overall development.