Health Office
Our goal in the health office is to care for your child’s health needs so that they may be successful in class. Your school nurse is a resource for concerns about your child’s health, school health requirements including immunizations, and community health resources. Please let our health office know if there is a health concern or if there has been a change in your child’s health which impacts his or her ability to participate in school.
Please see the links for more resources and various forms. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we will be happy to respond at our earliest convenience.
Illness Prevention
If your student is ill, please keep your student home, contact your doctor, and notify the school and school nurse. We ask you to keep your student home if any of the following symptoms are present:
- Fever of 100*F degrees or higher
- New cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
- Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- Unusual rash, rash and fever
- Body aches
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
- Unusual fatigue or irritability
This list is not a comprehensive list of symptoms; always consult your healthcare provider for health concerns. Students must be fever-free, without medication, for 24 hours before returning to school and symptoms should be resolving. Also, 24 hours must lapse before a student may return following vomiting and/or diarrhea.
Crutches, Casts, Wraps, Etc.
In order to keep our students safe, we require a doctor's note to allow any assistive device on campus. Please fill out this form before your child returns to school following an injury or doctor's visit. The health office will follow-up with you if we have any questions.
NMUSD follows California immunization laws and valid vaccine records are required. Medical exemptions can only be issued through the California Immunization Registry – Medical Exemption (CAIR-ME) website by physicians licensed in California.
Contact Us
Laura Garcia-Chandler
School Nurse
(714) 424-4735
(657) 295-6572 (fax)
Ginger Castillo
Health Assistant
(714) 424-7930, opt 3