Parking/Pick Up and Drop Off Information
In the interest of the safety of our students, we will follow specific procedures for morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal & pick-up. The maps below will help you know the correct place to either drop off/pick up your children or where your children will be exiting the school at the end of the day. Please carefully review the maps. If you have any questions, please let the front office know. Again, your student's safety is our main concern.
Morning Arrival
Students should not arrive on campus prior to 7:50 a.m. unless they are attending the YMCA or participating in band. Beginning at 7:50 a.m., students may participate in one of the following activities where teacher supervision will be present:
- Exercise at the fitness stations located by the handball courts.
- Eat breakfast at lunch tables.
- Run or walk around the track.
A warning bell will ring at 8:10 a.m. All K-6 students must line up in their designated line on the black top by 8:15 a.m. If a child is not physically in their line at the 8:15 a.m. bell, then the child will be tardy.
Students walking or riding their bikes to school may enter through the front or back gates and use the bike racks near the library. Once on campus, bikes must be walked to the bike racks.
GATE 1- Arlington Main Parking Lot
- During after school pickup, the following rules apply:
- All vehicles must have signage with the student's first/last name on the windshield upon pickup.
- Drivers are asked to STAY in their vehicles at all times and continue to pull forward.
- Students will be called and directed by staff to independently load into vehicles.
- NO parking and NO pickup from passing lane and/or sidewalk.
GATE 2- Loop
- During after-school pickup, the following rules apply:
- All vehicles must have signage with the student's first/last name on the windshield upon pickup.
- Drivers are asked to STAY in their vehicles at all times and continue to pull forward.
- Students will be called and directed by staff to independently load into vehicles.
- NO parking and NO pickup from passing lane and/or sidewalk.
- Kinder students are exclusively dismissed at Gate 2.
- Siblings of Kinder students should meet for pick-up after school at Gate 2.
GATE 3- Presidio Back Parking Lot
- During after-school pickup, the following rules apply:
- All vehicles must have signage with the student's first/last name on the windshield upon pickup.
- Drivers are asked to STAY in their vehicles at all times and continue to pull forward.
- Students will be called and directed by staff to independently load into vehicles.
- NO parking and NO pickup from passing lane and/or sidewalk.
Parking Suggestions
Parking on the front side of the school:
- 75 parking places in the school lot
- 104 parking places in the TeWinkle Park Athletic Complex right next to the school on Arlington Drive.
- 62 parking places at TeWinkle Park on Junipero Drive
- 55 parking places at the Tennis Center on Junipero Drive
- Additional street parking is available on Arlington Drive in front of TeWinkle Park
- Additional street parking is available on both sides of Junipero Drive at Arlington Drive
Parking on the back side of the school:
- 151 parking places on Presidio Square (the one-way road that runs behind the campus and parallel to Presidio Drive)
- Additional street parking is available on Presidio Drive and the other streets in the neighborhood behind the school.
- Walking gate open and available before and after school on Presidio Square behind the Davis Magnet School campus.
Parking and Walking
If you have the time, parking and walking with your child to and from school is a great idea! There are many benefits. You both get the excellent health benefits of walking. You both get the time to talk with each other along the way. In the morning, you both get to take part in the flag salute ceremony. In the afternoon, you get to walk and talk about all of the great things your child learned at school that day. For those of you with the time and inclination, parking and walking to and from school each day is a super way to spend more quality time with your child.
For everyone who parks and walks and talks with their child, it reduces the traffic in the school parking lot and bus lane.